Indian Navy Races to the Rescue: Drone-Struck Israel-Affiliated Vessel in Arabian Sea, Crew Safe

Indian Navy rescue 20 crew members

In a startling incident, a drone attack has rocked the Arabian Sea off India’s west coast. The target? A merchant ship, MV Chem Pluto, affiliated with Israel. The strike caused a fire on the vessel, but the good news is that all crew members, around 20 Indians, are safe.

Immediate Response: The Indian Coast Guard sprang into action. The ICGS Vikram is rushing towards the distressed MV Chem Pluto, located 217 nautical miles off Porbandar coast. The ship, carrying crude oil from Saudi Arabia to Mangalore, reported the fire believed to be caused by a drone.

Details Unveiled: Indian Navy warships in the vicinity are also joining the rescue operation outside the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone. The fire has been put out, but it has affected the ship’s functioning. The ICGS Vikram, on patrol in the area, diverted to assist the merchant ship. An alert has been issued to all nearby ships to lend a helping hand.

No Claim, but Suspicion Looms: The concerning part? No one has claimed responsibility for the attack. This comes amid a series of drone and missile assaults by Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels in the Red Sea. Last month, an Israeli-owned cargo ship faced a suspected drone attack by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard in the Indian Ocean.

Drone Strike on Israel-Affiliated Ship

Global Impact: These incidents are disrupting maritime activities. Major shipping companies are rerouting vessels, despite the added fuel costs, to avoid the troubled waters. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, which started on October 7, has triggered a wave of attacks on shipping.

Houthi Attacks: The Houthi rebels, a significant player in this maritime unrest, have launched over 100 drone and missile attacks. They are targeting merchant vessels from more than 35 countries, as reported by the Pentagon.

Connecting the Dots: The situation is reminiscent of the recent events where drones were deployed in the region. Last month’s attack on an Israeli-owned cargo ship in the Indian Ocean carries similarities. Both incidents involve drones causing damage to vessels linked to Israel.

Uncertainty Prevails: What’s troubling is the uncertainty surrounding these attacks. No one is stepping up to claim responsibility. This lack of accountability adds to the tension and raises questions about the motives behind these maritime assaults.

Concerns for Trade: The repercussions are not limited to the immediate safety of the crew and vessels. The attacks are affecting global trade routes. Companies are grappling with the decision to choose longer voyages around Africa to avoid the risk-laden areas, despite the increased fuel expenses.

International Response: With no clear attribution for these attacks, the international community is on edge. Accusations are flying in different directions. The situation demands a collaborative effort to ensure the safety of maritime activities in the region.

Conclusion: The Arabian Sea has become a hotspot for maritime tensions. The drone strike on MV Chem Pluto is the latest chapter in a series of attacks that are reshaping global shipping routes. As the situation unfolds, the world watches, hoping for stability and accountability in the troubled waters.

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