Exciting Update on Hrithik Roshan-Deepika Padukone’s Fighter movie advance booking collection 1.40 Lakh Tickets Sold

Great news in Bollywood as advance bookings for the much-anticipated film “Fighter” starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor are underway. Here’s the scoop on the buzz surrounding this high-flying action thriller.

  • Ticket Sales Update: Fighter has already sold a whopping 1.40 lakh tickets in advance bookings across major chains like PVR, Inox, and Cinepolis. However, this figure is 55% lower than other big-ticket films like Brahmastra and Tiger 3.
  • Opening Day Projection: Despite the lower advance bookings, Fighter aims for an opening day collection between Rs. 22 to 24 crores. The success of the film heavily depends on positive word of mouth and walk-in audiences, especially with a National Holiday on Day 2.

  • Challenges Faced: The film seems to face challenges in reaching its full potential. Ideally, it should have opened in the North with Rs. 35 crores, but it’s falling short. Reasons cited include a lackluster marketing and PR campaign.
  • Marketing Woes: The producers are urged to rethink their strategies for promoting big-ticket entertainers. A film of Fighter’s scale should have easily reached a Rs. 35 to 40 crore opening, but awareness among on-ground audiences seems lacking.

Fighter movie advance booking collection

  • Mass Audience Anticipation: Most of Fighter’s business is expected from national multiplex chains. The article points out that the mass audience is holding back, waiting for reviews before grabbing their tickets.
  • Post-January 26 Expectations: The film anticipates a surge in collections post-January 26 due to strong word of mouth. The journey from there will be crucial in determining the fate of this aerial action thriller.

In essence, Fighter has a lot riding on it, but challenges such as marketing gaps and awareness issues have hindered its initial ticket sales. The film’s success now hinges on positive audience feedback and a substantial increase in collections after the National Holiday.

As the Bollywood community eagerly awaits the film’s release, only time will tell if Fighter can soar high above its challenges and emerge as a blockbuster. Stay tuned for more updates on this star-studded cinematic experience!

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