United States surpasses China to become the largest economy in the world in 2023.

United States surpasses China to become largest economy in world

In a surprising twist, the United States has outpaced China to claim the title of the world’s largest economy in 2023. With a robust 6.3% rise in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the US has surged ahead of China’s 4.6% gain. The unexpected shift defied earlier predictions that China would lead in economic growth. At the … Read more

Indian Navy Races to the Rescue: Drone-Struck Israel-Affiliated Vessel in Arabian Sea, Crew Safe

Indian Navy rescue 20 crew members

In a startling incident, a drone attack has rocked the Arabian Sea off India’s west coast. The target? A merchant ship, MV Chem Pluto, affiliated with Israel. The strike caused a fire on the vessel, but the good news is that all crew members, around 20 Indians, are safe. Immediate Response: The Indian Coast Guard … Read more