Miraculous Rescue Unfolds: Trapped in Himalayan Tunnel – A Story of Hope

Himalayan Tunnel Rescue Unfolds: Trapped in uttrakhand Tunnel - A Story of Hope

Rescuers in India are optimistic about completing the drilling process on Thursday to free 41 men who have been trapped in a Himalayan highway tunnel. The ordeal began 12 days ago when the tunnel in Uttarakhand state collapsed on November 12. Despite the challenges, officials assure that the trapped individuals have access to essential provisions … Read more

Breakthrough in Uttarkashi Tunnel Rescue: DRDO Robots and Communication Pipeline

tunnel rescue operation; DRDO sends robots

In a momentous development within the ongoing rescue operation aimed at saving 41 workers trapped in a partially collapsed tunnel in Uttarkashi district, a crucial breakthrough has been achieved. After days of relentless efforts, rescue teams successfully installed a six-inch pipe into the debris. This innovative solution not only facilitates the delivery of solid food … Read more