Google’s AI Revolution: Sundar Pichai’s Vision for the Future

Last year, Google celebrated its 25th birthday. CEO Sundar Pichai shared an optimistic letter with employees, highlighting the company’s commitment to artificial intelligence (AI). He mentioned AI more than 20 times, signaling Google’s strategic focus. But the big question remains: Can Google win the AI war? OpenAI’s Bold Move Recently, OpenAI launched its new AI … Read more

Sundar Pichai’s Tough Call: Google’s Big Move – Cutting 12,000 Jobs for a Better Tomorrow

Google CEO Sundar Pichai on cutting of job's

Sundar Pichai, the big boss at Google and Alphabet, recently spilled the beans about a tough call they made in 2022 – laying off a whopping 12,000 employees, about 6% of Alphabet’s crew. Let’s dive into what he shared during a recent team powwow. In plain talk, Pichai owned up to the fact that letting … Read more