US Blocks Palestinian Push for Full UN Membership

In a recent development at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the United States vetoed a resolution that sought to grant full UN membership to the state of Palestine. This decision, made by US deputy ambassador Robert Wood, was met with mixed reactions. Generated by Embed Youtube Video online   The resolution, which aimed to … Read more

Indian Navy Races to the Rescue: Drone-Struck Israel-Affiliated Vessel in Arabian Sea, Crew Safe

Indian Navy rescue 20 crew members

In a startling incident, a drone attack has rocked the Arabian Sea off India’s west coast. The target? A merchant ship, MV Chem Pluto, affiliated with Israel. The strike caused a fire on the vessel, but the good news is that all crew members, around 20 Indians, are safe. Immediate Response: The Indian Coast Guard … Read more

Israel kills second Hamas leader in new attack on Gaza refugee camp, first evacuees arrive in Egypt

Hamas group in Gaza

Letest news update:-Israel kills second Hamas leader in a airstrike jabalia refugee camp in gaza and also civilian gathering near Egypt border. GAZA/JERUSALEM, -e first group of civilian refugees crossed into Egypt from t Israeli forces on Wednesday killed Hamas’ second leader in Gaza’s Jabalia A second attack on a refugee camp killed another Hamas … Read more

Because of their alleged ties to the Palestinian armed group Hamas, Japan has imposed sanctions on nine individuals as well as a firm.

US Blocks Palestinian Push for Full UN Membership

Japan’s Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that the actions will freeze the assets of people and a business that have contributed to the financing of Hamas, the organisation that controls the Gaza Strip. The sanctions come after the US announced comparable actions earlier this month. Tokyo has tried to balance its links to energy-supplying allies … Read more