Himalayan Tunnel Drama: Heroes Trapped, Hope Rising with drill damaged

Himalayan Tunnel Rescue Unfolds: Trapped in uttrakhand Tunnel - A Story of Hope

Rescue Challenge in Indian Himalayas In a gripping saga unfolding in the Indian Himalayas, 41 workers have been trapped in a tunnel for two weeks. What initially seemed like a swift operation has hit a snag: a heavy drill, the key tool, got damaged. The plan to break through the last 10-15 meters of debris … Read more

Miraculous Rescue Unfolds: Trapped in Himalayan Tunnel – A Story of Hope

Himalayan Tunnel Rescue Unfolds: Trapped in uttrakhand Tunnel - A Story of Hope

Rescuers in India are optimistic about completing the drilling process on Thursday to free 41 men who have been trapped in a Himalayan highway tunnel. The ordeal began 12 days ago when the tunnel in Uttarakhand state collapsed on November 12. Despite the challenges, officials assure that the trapped individuals have access to essential provisions … Read more

Race Against Time: Dramatic Rescue Efforts for 40 Trapped Workers in Himalayan Tunnel Collapse

Over the past three days, 40 workers have been stranded inside a collapsed Workers in Himalayan Tunnel Collapse, facing challenges in the rescue operation due to falling debris. Efforts are underway to deploy an advanced machine to expedite the process of cutting through the rubble. At least 40 #Indian workers trapped in Himalayan tunnel collapse … Read more