PM Modi’s Heartfelt Tea Chat: Celebrating 10 Crore Ujjwala Milestone with Ayodhya’s Meera Manjhi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a surprise visit to Ayodhya to meet Meera Manjhi, the 10th crore beneficiary of the Ujjwala scheme, which supports BPL households with LPG connections. Meera’s family had just received the gas connection a day before the PM’s visit. In a relaxed setting at Meera’s house, PM Modi, recalling his own chaiwala days, praised the tea served to him.

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In a heartwarming interaction, PM Modi asked about the benefits Meera’s family receives from the government, showcasing genuine interest. The visit came on the heels of the Prime Minister inaugurating various developmental projects in Ayodhya ahead of the Ram Temple inauguration on January 22.

As part of his itinerary, PM Modi stopped by Meera Manjhi’s house, creating a personal touch to the official events. In a video shared by news agency ANI, PM Modi engaged with Meera’s family, expressing curiosity about their daily life. “Do you know why I am here, Meera? We have given 10 crore gas connections in the country. I decided to meet the 10th crore beneficiary, and you are the one. We found that it was in Ayodhya only,” PM Modi shared, underscoring the significance of this visit.

In a brief conversation, PM Modi highlighted the positive impact of government schemes. “You have got a house, electricity, water, and now gas. Do you also get foodgrains from the government scheme?” he inquired. Meera responded affirmatively, mentioning the 10 kg of grains she receives.

Amid expressions of gratitude from Meera’s family, PM Modi humbly deflected comparisons to a god, stating, “No no, Lord Ram is God.” This human touch showcased the PM’s humility and respect for cultural values.

The interaction also touched upon Meera’s newfound knowledge of operating a gas connection. PM Modi’s interest extended to practical aspects, as he inquired about the dishes cooked using the gas. “What do you cook in the gas?” he asked. Meera, proud of her newly acquired skill, listed rice, lentils, vegetables, and the tea she had just prepared for PM Modi.

The PM’s relatability shone through when he remarked on the sweetness of the tea. “You people are used to having very sweet tea,” he said, blending humor with the shared experience of being a chaiwala in the past. This connection added a personal touch to the conversation.

PM Modi’s concern for transparency and anti-corruption measures surfaced as he asked Meera about her experience with the housing scheme. “During the interaction, PM Modi also asked Meera how much money she got in the housing scheme and whether she had to bribe anyone for that.” These questions underscored the government’s commitment to eradicating corruption and ensuring that welfare schemes reach the intended beneficiaries without any hurdles.

The simplicity of the conversation highlighted the impact of government initiatives on individuals’ lives. Meera, now equipped with a gas connection, expressed gratitude for the transformative changes in her life, including a newfound ability to cook various dishes. The visit symbolized the tangible benefits of government schemes reaching the grassroots level.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Meera Manjhi’s house was more than an official event; it was a moment of genuine connection. Through casual conversation and shared experiences, the Prime Minister not only acknowledged the success of government schemes but also celebrated the positive changes they bring to the lives of ordinary citizens. This visit showcased a leader actively involved in the lives of the people he serves, leaving a lasting impact beyond the official inaugurations and ceremonies.


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