NEET 2024 Scam: Justice for Students National Testing Agency should answer

In a shocking revelation, several allegations have surfaced regarding the NEET 2024 examination results. National Testing Agency (NTA), responsible for conducting NEET UG and PG exams, released the results on June 4, 2024. However, serious questions are being raised by students and their parents about the integrity of these results.

Controversial NEET 2024 Results

The most alarming issue is that 67 students secured a perfect score of 720 out of 720, achieving All India Rank 1. This has raised eyebrows about the paper setting and the overall examination process. How can such a high number of students score full marks in such a competitive exam? Typically, scoring 630 in NEET is considered very good, yet this year, students with 630 marks have a rank as low as 4500, denying them government college seats. This discrepancy has led to widespread dissatisfaction and questions about the examination’s fairness.

Lack of Media Coverage

Despite the outcry on social media, major news channels have failed to cover this issue. This lack of coverage is deeply concerning and suggests an attempt to overshadow the NEET controversy with election results. Why isn’t the mainstream media addressing these crucial concerns? This platform aims to bring these issues to light and ensure that the voices of affected students and parents are heard.

Questionable Normalization Process

Adding to the confusion, NTA claimed that some scores were adjusted through a normalization process based on a Supreme Court judgment from June 13, 2018. However, students’ scores inexplicably changed to values like 718 and 719, which is mathematically impossible in the NEET scoring system. How did NTA decide on these grace marks and what process did they follow? The lack of clear explanations and documentation has only fueled suspicions of malpractice.

Geographic Anomalies and Initials

Further scrutiny reveals that the top-scoring students are concentrated in specific regions, primarily in Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Moreover, these students have similar initials in their roll numbers, raising suspicions of systemic manipulation. How likely is it for such coincidences to occur naturally? This geographic clustering and the pattern of roll numbers add to the growing belief that the NEET 2024 results were tampered with.

Impact on Students’ Futures

The NEET exam is a gateway for students who spend years preparing with the hope of securing a medical college seat. The current controversy not only jeopardizes their future but also undermines the credibility of one of India’s toughest exams. It’s imperative that these issues are investigated thoroughly and transparently.

NEET 2024 Scam

What Can You Do?

As a concerned citizen, you have the power to make a difference. Share this information, raise your voice on social media, and support the affected students. This isn’t just about one exam; it’s about ensuring fairness and integrity in our educational system.


The NEET 2024 results have raised critical questions that demand immediate attention. The alleged discrepancies and lack of transparency need to be addressed by the NTA and the government. This isn’t just a student issue; it’s about upholding the integrity of our examination systems and ensuring justice for all. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let’s strive for a fair resolution to this crisis.

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