Google issues the following warning: “Don’t share confidential data with Gemini AI.”
Google has given a serious heads-up to users of its new AI chatbot Gemini: “Keep your secrets safe!” The chatbot, formerly known as Bard, got a facelift along with the introduction of a new Ultra 1.0 language model. But with these upgrades came a stern warning from Google: don’t spill any beans to Gemini!
You might be wondering why Google is cautioning against sharing secrets with a chatbot. Well, it turns out that some of the conversations you have with Gemini are peeked at by actual humans. Don’t worry, though – they promise to scrub out any personal info like your email or phone number. But still, it’s best not to spill any juicy secrets just in case!
Today, we’re entering the next chapter of our Gemini era by bringing our #GeminiAI models to more of our products, starting with Bard — which will now be called Gemini.
— Google (@Google) February 8, 2024
If you’re chatting away with Gemini and suddenly remember something super confidential, hold onto it! Google is urging users not to spill the beans to Gemini because whatever you share might just end up in the hands of those human reviewers. And who knows what they might do with that info?
Now, if you’re a bit freaked out and thinking, “How do I keep my secrets safe?” Fear not! Google’s got your back. You can actually turn off Gemini’s snooping abilities or even go back and delete those incriminating conversations. Just head over to and take control of your privacy.

So why does Google even need all this info in the first place? Well, it’s all in the name of improvement. They’re collecting data from your chats, your location, your feedback – you name it! And they’re using all this juicy data to make Gemini even smarter. It’s like feeding it a steady diet of knowledge to help it grow big and strong!
But don’t worry, Google isn’t some shady character lurking in the shadows collecting your secrets for nefarious purposes. They’re just trying to make their products better. And if that means having a little peek at your conversations, well, so be it!
So next time you’re chatting it up with Gemini, remember: keep it light, keep it fun, but most importantly, keep those secrets locked up tight! You never know who might be listening in.