Sales of Chinese-made electronic products are now prohibited! Shop owners could be jailed and fined up to 200,000 rupees for violating the new standards

In India, too many low-quality electrical products from China are causing problems. These products often lead to accidents at home. The government is serious about fixing this. If a shop sells bad electrical stuff or a company makes it, they’ll get in trouble – fines or even jail.

To fix the issue, the government set rules for important things like ‘Switch-Socket-Outlet’ and ‘Cable Trunking.’ They made a new order called Electrical Accessories (Quality Control) Order 2023. This isn’t just about rules; it’s a plan to stop bad products from coming in. The government wants Indian companies to make better electrical stuff by following these rules.

Think about having electrical things at home that are not just good but also safe. That’s what the government wants too. They’re serious about making sure companies follow the rules to keep people safe.

Sales of Chinese-made electronic products are now prohibited

Now, they’re looking closely at things like ‘Switch-Socket-Outlet’ and ‘Cable Trunking.’ It’s not just talking – they want these things to be really good. The Electrical Accessories (Quality Control) Order 2023 is not just about saying what to do; it’s about making sure things get better. The government wants all electrical things to be safer.

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For you, it means homes will be safer. The government wants to stop accidents from bad electrical things. They are saying, “Make things better or there will be problems.” This focus on ‘quality control’ is not just a rule; it’s a way to make things great. By making sure Indian companies do it right, the government wants everyone to rely on our own things, not from other countries.

In the end, India’s electrical market is changing. The fight against bad products is not just one person’s job; it’s everyone working together for a safer future. The Electrical Accessories (Quality Control) Order 2023 is not just about rules; it’s a plan for a strong and safe electrical world in India.

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