Google’s AI Revolution: Sundar Pichai’s Vision for the Future

Last year, Google celebrated its 25th birthday. CEO Sundar Pichai shared an optimistic letter with employees, highlighting the company’s commitment to artificial intelligence (AI). He mentioned AI more than 20 times, signaling Google’s strategic focus. But the big question remains: Can Google win the AI war? OpenAI’s Bold Move Recently, OpenAI launched its new AI … Read more

Google fired Employee just for watching coworkers protest against company’s Israel contract

In a recent incident, a Google employee claims he was fired for merely observing a protest against the company’s contract with Israel. The protest, involving 28 employees, centered on Google’s cloud computing contract, Project Nimbus. The employee, who wishes to remain anonymous, recounts being fired after briefly engaging with protesters during his lunch break at … Read more

Gold and Silver Prices Dip on MCX, Insights into Factors Influencing Market Trends”

Gold and silver prices experienced a slight decline on the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) on April 29, 2024. Gold futures, which mature on June 5, 2024, were priced at Rs 71,224 per 10 grams on the MCX. This marked a marginal drop of Rs 276 or 0.39 percent compared to the previous session’s close of … Read more

US Blocks Palestinian Push for Full UN Membership

In a recent development at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the United States vetoed a resolution that sought to grant full UN membership to the state of Palestine. This decision, made by US deputy ambassador Robert Wood, was met with mixed reactions. Generated by Embed Youtube Video online   The resolution, which aimed to … Read more

Moscow concert hall attack :ISIS Claims Responsibility for Concert Hall Attack”

More than 60 people tragically lost their lives, with over 100 injured, during a horrific attack at a popular concert hall near Moscow. Gunmen dressed in camouflage unleashed chaos during a Russian rock band’s performance. Generated by Embed Youtube Video online   The attack, carried out by at least four gunmen, resulted in a massive … Read more

“Israel’s Bold Move: Seizing West Bank Territory Sparks Global Controversy”

Israeli Forces Flood Hamas Tunnels

In a bold move that has sparked global controversy, Israel recently announced the seizure of a significant amount of land in the West Bank, totaling 1,977 acres. This action, considered the largest land grab in decades by activists, has raised serious concerns worldwide. Generated by Embed Youtube Video online   The announcement was made by … Read more

Breaking News: Yemen Reports Sinking of Rubymar Cargo Ship After Houthi Attack

Yemen Reports Sinking of Rubymar Cargo Ship After Houthi Attack

Yemen’s government announced that the Rubymar cargo ship has sunk following an attack by Houthi militants last month. This marks the first vessel lost since Houthi militants began targeting commercial shipping in November. The ship sank in the southern Red Sea on Friday night, posing a significant environmental threat due to its cargo of over … Read more

US carries out first aid airdrop into Gaza Over 38,000 meals were air dropped over Southwestern

Eyewitness footage captured the historic moment as US military planes soared over Gaza, releasing over 38,000 meals to the desperate populace below. The aid, a joint effort with Jordan, targeted the southwestern region initially, with plans to reach the northern areas later. This operation marks the first of its kind, symbolizing a crucial step in … Read more

Biden Announces U.S. Military Airdrop of Aid into Gaza

Biden Announces U.S. Military Airdrop of Aid into Gaza

U.S. President Joe Biden has revealed plans for the first-ever military airdrop of food and supplies into Gaza, responding to the urgent humanitarian crisis in the region. This decision comes in the wake of the tragic deaths of Palestinians waiting for aid, shedding light on the dire situation in the densely populated coastal enclave. Biden … Read more

ISRO’s next Mars mission will send a drone and rover to the red planet.

ISRO mass mission 2024

India’s space agency, ISRO, is gearing up for an exciting venture: sending a rover and drone to Mars! This mission follows the success of the Mangalyaan Mars Orbiter Mission, which ended in 2022. ISRO’s plan includes landing a craft on Mars, which will then release a rover and drone. These will work together to explore … Read more