Bengaluru on Edge: 44 Schools Face Bomb Threats

In a distressing development, 44 private schools in Bengaluru found themselves at the center of a security scare today, receiving explicit bomb threats through email. The threats, claiming the placement of explosives within the school premises, triggered an immediate response from the police.

An extensive search ensued across targeted schools located in key areas such as Whitefield, Koremangala, Basveshnagar, Yalahanka, and Sadashivanagar. Bomb disposal squads were swiftly deployed to meticulously investigate each school on the list, intensifying security protocols.

Karnataka’s Home Minister, G Parmeshwar, emphasized the gravity of the situation, assuring a thorough investigation to uncover the source of these threats. Bengaluru Police Commissioner B Dyanand, acknowledging the potential for hoaxes, underscored the uncompromising stance of the police in pursuing the culprits.

bomb squad searching for bomb
bomb squad searching for bombĀ 

Despite the unsettling nature of the situation, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah sought to allay parental concerns, asserting that precautionary measures were promptly implemented. Urging parents not to succumb to panic, he directed a comprehensive police inspection of schools and the reinforcement of security. Schools, reacting to the imminent danger, took proactive steps, issuing advisories and swiftly dispersing students.

Adding another layer of concern, one of the schools targeted happened to be near the residence of Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar. In response, Shivakumar, though acknowledging the potential for hoaxes, reassured that the police were diligently investigating the matter.

Bomb in Bangalore 44 school
Bomb in Bangalore 44 school

Expressing understanding for parental anxiety, Shivakumar urged caution while emphasizing the necessity of heightened cybersecurity measures. He confidently stated that the cybercrime police would leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of those responsible.

This disconcerting incident mirrors a similar episode last year when seven schools in Bengaluru faced bomb threats, later revealed as hoaxes by the police. The recurrent nature of such threats underscores the importance of robust security measures and a vigilant community in the face of potential disruptions.


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